UNEARTH: 3 - Month 1:1 Mentorship

333,00 €

UNEARTH is a 3- Month long Mentorship Program to connect and anchor you more deeply into Belonging — bridging your way back to your body and the place and ecosystem you inhabit within the tapestry of your life. 

3 Months I 12 Sessions I 12 Live- Calls + UNEARTH Basket loaded with guided meditations, eco-somatic practices and reconnection rituals.


The UNEARTH Basket:

  • Repairing Earth/Spirit & Mind/Body Disconnection 

  • Implement new Subconscious Belief Patterns

  • Decolonize Body and Mind to restore your primal Connection with the living Earth

  • Increase your Capacity to perceive with your Senses 

  • Cultivate sacred Pauses in your everyday through rituals and practices for deep Reflection and better Determination of your goals 

  • Reclaim your Wildness and Sensuality for feeling fully alive 

  • Participate more actively with the forces and energies that shape the world

  • Reconnect to Embodied Intelligence through Somatic Work

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Rewriting your Relationship with:

✦ Body & Earth

✦ Mind & Emotions

✦ Soul & Intuition

✦ Habits

✦ Ancestry/ Ancestral Lineages

✦ Place/Heritage

✦ Family, Community, Partnership

✦ Habits

✦ Soul Purpose & Vocation