Get in touch with me to work with me in one or more of the following Offerings you see below.

Cha Dao — The way of Tea.

Cha Dao — “The way of Tea” is a ancient practice deriving from Chinese lineage used among Daoists and Sages as a way to cultivate awakened presence. Tea is powerful plant teacher and medicine to further deepen your daily practice through sustained meditation. The Spirit of Tea acts as a doorway to become a witness of the elemental dance & nature itself. Each ceremony is profoundly unique and different in its own, where you will be met exactly where you are, receiving exactly what you need.

Ways to explore the wonderful Spirit of Tea:

Tea Ceremony at home or workshop setting

Tea is a wonderful opportunity to come together and share space & presence.

This can be done in your home or really anywhere that you wish to create a sacred pause for yourself, your loved ones or a specific group of people.

One ceremony can last for about 1-2h.

Tea Ceremony in Retreat/ Immersion or Gathering

Tea is a wonderful addition to any Retreat, Immersion or Gathering which can be served in the early morning to deepen one’s own meditation, set intentions for the day and/or clear anything that is unrestful and in unease.

Tea can also be served in the afternoon or early evenings, whenever there is a wish and urge to drop into presence, nourishment, clarity & grounding, really.

Tea can be shared in many ways!                                                                                 To simply come together and share an intention, or in ceremony for specific occasions such as celebrations & gatherings, new/full moon rituals, weddings showers or simply just because.
Get in touch with me for any questions concerning tea or any inquiries to create a unique                                                               tea ceremony for your event or special occasion. 



Abhyanga is the most traditional Therapy of Ayurveda — A traditional healing system from India.

With the help of applying warm oil to the body I am able to reach & nurture the deepest tissues contributing to their regeneration.




I will restore and balance your natural energy flow through circular and rhytmic movements as well as through pressing so called “Marma Points” - which are energetic centers that connect the physical, energetic, physiological and nervous bodies with each other.

Through working along the lymphatic system, which serves as a filter and monitors lymphatic fluid, the massage supports the movement of the lymph for better detoxification, increased blood circulation which leads to a stronger circulatory and immune system.

You will feel

Energized, Harmonized, Rested, Restored & deeply Rejuvenated

Book your space for a Ayurvedic Massage.

  • Choose between 60 min & 90 min Massage

  • Full - body Massage with warm oils

  • Relax & Restore



  • Promotes Lymphatic Drainage & Blood Circulation supporting Detoxification & Lymph Flow
  • Reduces Muscle Stiffness which Increases better flexibility & Mobility
  • Improves Overall Vitality, Rejuvenation & Skin Repair
  • Works on the Central Nervous System
  • reducing Stress & Providing Balance of the Physical, Mental, emotional & Spiritual Bodies